Ile Raiatea

Our short stay on Raiatea was very interesting. This small island along with the island of Tahaa lie within the same coral reef and share the same lagoon. These two high islands have very similar geological formations with relatively high summits. It was this island in the Society archipelago that the Polynesians chose to settle over a thousand years ago.

Captain Cook anchored here in 1769 after Wallis' discovery of Tahiti. The vast lagoon is full of motu with unbelievable white sandy beaches such as this one. Raiatea whose name means "soft skylight"is 66 sq miles and lies about 125 miles from Tahiti.

One of the motu in the lagoon

two bikes

Our friends Steve and Hazel from SV Oasis offered to let us use thier bikes for a trip into town. We were thrilled, the bikes were very comfortable and easy to manage. They fold up and take up very little room. We want some of those. It was great to get back on a bike again.

Kip enjoying the bike

I found a neat little jewelry shop in town owned by Brigitte who spoke very good english. I bought a pearl necklace, and chatting with her I found out she had a few

Brigitte and her grandaughter

grandchildren. She recongnized the french comic books I brought with me from California and was thrilled when I gave them to her for her grandchildren who she said would love them.
A few more photos

Ile Bora Bora
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